Dr Dave Hataley
Current Position:
Rural Generalist, mainly ED and Anaesthetics, but currently Antarctic Medical Officer. I am also The Surfing Doctors general gofer/secretary.
Education and work experience:
GP Fellowship
Previous Volunteer Work:
Solomon Islands, G-land, Mentawai’s, Fiji and Nias
Local surf spot:
Cowaramup Bay
What is your favourite surf destination:
Fiji or Mentawais
Travel experience? Where have you been?
Lots of Indo, the Pacific and Asia with a tiny bit of Europe. Also, Antarctica, but no surfing there.
Travel experience? Where have you been?
Lots of Indo, the Pacific and Asia with a tiny bit of Europe. Also, Antarctica, but no surfing there.
Best surf trip ever?
I took a work sabbatical in 2019 and volunteered all over Indonesia – Nias, G-land, and Macaronis with some side trips.
Worst surf trip ever?
When I got run over by a boat prop in Fiji
What is the best thing about surfing?
No phones
Best advice you were ever given with regards to surfing?
Your favourite surfer in the world at this point in time:
Ethan Ewing
Current go-to surfboards:
Warner Bullet and Stryker at the moment, 6’2 and 6’4